⭐️ Whether you’re saving up for retirement or looking to make some money on the side, you can learn a lot from investing courses.
⭐️ You can find courses on stocks, bonds, and how to pick your own stocks to invest in.
Stocks are on the rise, but you know what else is on the rise? The amount of time you spend at work. Whether you’re staring at a screen all day or logging extra hours to pay off your mounting expenses, you might not have time to learn about other ways to make your money grow.
But if you’re ready to get serious about building your wealth, you might want to consider taking an online course on investing. Online courses cover a wide variety of topics in finance, from stocks and bonds to options and futures, and some of them are even available at no cost.
With more courses than ever on everything from index funds to real estate, you’ll be able to find the right course for your investment goals. And even if you aren’t ready to plunge into the world of stocks and bonds just yet, this is a great time to start learning. You might not have time to take a traditional course, but you do have time to catch up on a few videos before the next market crash.
Disclaimer: When you buy through some links on the site, I may earn a commission.
Learn Investing with these Courses and Tutorials:
1. Investing In Stocks Class: The Complete Course! (11 Hour)

Instructor: Steve Ballinger, MBA
Platform: Udemy
This is a complete course for anyone who wants to learn how to invest in stocks. In this class, you will learn the basics of investing, what stocks are, how to find them, why they are important, and what you can do with them.
2. The Ultimate Financial Investment Training Course

Instructor: Chris Haroun
Platform: Udemy
The Ultimate Financial Investment Training Course is a complete step-by-step guide to getting started investing. This course will teach you everything you need to know about getting started investing, including how to select the right stocks, how to buy and sell stocks, what types of stocks are best for beginners, and much more.
3. Value Investing Bootcamp: How to Invest Wisely

Instructor: Nick Kraakman
Platform: Udemy
The course teaches you how to invest in a way that is safe, profitable, and ethical. You will learn the fundamentals of investing to be able to make intelligent investment decisions based on your personal goals and risk tolerance.
4. Invest in Stocks Like a Pro Investor by a Pro Investor!

Instructor: Chris Haroun
Platform: Udemy
Investing in stocks can be a profitable hobby for those who are new to the world of investing. However, it is also a complex topic that not everyone is able to get their head around easily. In this course, you will learn everything you need to know about investing in stocks and how it can greatly benefit your financial future.
5. How Not To Suck At Investing: Understanding Stocks (Part 1)

Instructor: Business Casual
Platform: Skillshare
Are you interested in learning about investing but not sure where to start? Maybe you’re curious about the stock market, or perhaps you’d like to learn how to invest but are unsure how. Or maybe you want to learn more about investing but are simply overwhelmed by all the information out there. Regardless of what your goals may be, this introductory video series serves as a great starting point for anyone seeking to understand what investing is and what it can do for them.
6. Comprehensive Guide to Financial Markets, Investing &Trading

Instructor: Hari Swaminathan
Platform: Udemy
Comprehensive Guide to Financial Markets, Investing & Trading is a comprehensive course that will teach you all the fundamentals and strategies of trading and investing. This course is perfect for beginners who want to learn the basics of investing and trading in a short period of time.
7. Financial Basics Everyone Should Know Online Class

Instructor: Michael McDonald
Platform: Linkedin
This course is designed to give you the basics of investing. It covers everything from how to start investing to how to manage your money and trade stocks. The course has been designed so that it is easy to follow and understand, and it comes with a quiz at the end so that you can test yourself on what you have learned!
8. Complete Investing Course (Stocks, ETFs, Index/Mutual Funds)

Instructor: Mohsen Hassan and bloom team
Platform: Udemy
Complete Investing Course is an investing course that will help you learn how to invest in stocks, ETFs and index mutual funds. This is not a get rich quick scheme – it’s a learning process that will allow you to understand the differences between stocks, ETFs and index mutual funds.
9. The Complete Value Investing Course (Updated 2021)

Instructor: Wealthy Education
Platform: Udemy
The Complete Value Investing Course teaches you everything you need to know about value investing. You’ll learn how to identify high-quality companies, how to think like a value investor, and how to create a portfolio of low-cost stocks that is well diversified and rebalanced regularly. This course will give you the tools you need to succeed as an investor.
10. Financial Planning for Young Adults

Instructor: Nicholas Paulson, Kathryn L. Sweedler and Charles R. Chaffin
Platform: Coursera
Learn how to invest in the stock market and save for the future. The course will cover the basics of investing, including how to analyze risk and return. You’ll learn how to choose a goal, develop a budget, and build an investment portfolio.
Here’s a list of some courses that will teach you how to become a better investor. I hope you found the one that was right for you. Let me know, which course you’ve picked and if you’ve started it already. I’m trying to keep this list updated so definitely come back in the future.
Term Definition: Investing
Investing refers to the act of putting money into a company, product, or service in exchange for the possibility of a future financial return. The goal of investing is to earn a profit or return on your investment that exceeds the rate of inflation.
Tl;dr – Ideas to Remember: Investing
Investment is the transfer of money or capital in expectation of some benefit in the future.
Investing involves risk, and the benefits of investing come after a time period that is longer than it would take to acquire the asset without investing.
Investing is an important tool for building wealth.